• Verzendkosten € 6,95 (gratis va €50,-)
  • Scherpste prijzen tot wel 70% korting !
  • Veilig kopen met CBW keurmerk

Purchasing without VAT?

If you are a company within the EU, you can purchase from us at 0% VAT.

This works as follows, you fill in your VAT number at customer info, and enter the VAT number as follows,
NL123456789B01 or for Belgian customers: BE 0 123456789

Below you will find the point about this from the European Commission,
Which algorithms do the EU countries use for the VAT numbers of the taxpayers? The European Commission can not disclose these algorithms. We can tell you something about the structure of the VAT number.

If you fail despite the below, email us your order ..

VAT number structure:

Member State Structure Format *

AT-Austria ATU99999999 1 set of 9 characters
BE-Belgium BE0999999999 1 set of 10 digits
BG-Bulgaria BG999999999 or BG9999999999 1 series of 9 or 10 digits
CY-Cyprus CY99999999L 1 set of 9 characters
CZ Czech Republic CZ99999999 or CZ999999999 or CZ9999999999 1 series of 8, 9 or 10 digits
DE-Germany DE999999999 1 series of 9 digits
DK-Denmark DK99 99 99 99 4 sets of 2 digits
EE-Estonia EE999999999 1 series of 9 digits
EL-Greece EL999999999 1 set of 9 digits
ES-Spain ESX9999999X4 1 set of 9 characters
FI-Finland FI99999999 1 series of 8 digits
FR-France FRXX 999999999 1 set of 2 characters and 1 set of 9 digits
GB-United Kingdom GB999 9999 99 or GB999 9999 99 9995 or GBGD9996 or GBHA9997 1 set of 3 digits, 1 set of 4 digits and 1 set of 2 digits, either the above, plus 1 set of 3 digits, or 1 set of 5 characters
HR-Croatia HR99999999999 1 set of 11 digits
HU-Hungary HU99999999 1 series of 8 digits
IE Ireland IE9S99999L or IE9999999WI 1 set of 8 characters or 1 set of 9 characters
IT - Italy IT99999999999 1 series of 11 digits
LT-Lithuania LT999999999 or LT999999999999 1 series of 9 digits or 1 series of 12 digits
LU-Luxembourg LU99999999 1 series of 8 digits
LV Latvia LV99999999999 1 set of 11 digits
MT-Malta MT99999999 1 series of 8 digits
NL-Nederland NL999999999 B998 1 set of 12 characters
PL - Poland PL9999999999 1 set of 10 digits
PT-Portugal PT999999999 1 set of 9 digits
RO-Romania RO999999999 1 series of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 digits
SE-Sweden SE999999999999 1 series of 12 digits
SI-Slovenia SI99999999 1 series of 8 digits
SK-Slovakia SK9999999999 1 set of 10 digits


*: excluding the two letters of the country code
9: figure
X: letter or number
S: letter, number, "+" or "*"
L: letter

1: The first character after the country code is always a "U".
2: The first digit after the country code is always a "0".
3: The (new) 10-digit number is the old 9-digit number, preceded by a "0".
4: The first and the last character can be both a letter and a number, but not both a digit.
5: Identifies parts of a company.
6: Identifies government departments.
7: Identifies health authorities.
8: The tenth character after the country code is always a "B".
9: All letters are case-sensitive. Please adhere exactly to the VAT number shown.