Contact + Address details,
You can reach us via the details below,
Fysic Shop and Showroom,
Tisa Parquet, Oil, Paint etc.
Edisonstraat 6A
5051 DS Goirle
The Netherlands
Send postal items or returns to,
PO Box 56
5050 AB Goirle
The Netherlands
Customer service,

Telephone +31 (0)615057466 - Mon / Fri 10 am - 5.00 pm.
Email us (click here!) (An outlook window opens)
Firm: Hout Centrale BV
KVK: 59870923
VAT Nr: NL853675351B02
ING Bank Account Netherlands,
IBAN: NL90INGB0007029639
Note: Our brick shop is not an internet site just like and consorts that are not, so it is not always possible to buy all products at the same prices (however many products are priced the same and you buy with us almost always with a minimum discount of 20% compared to elsewhere) because we work with a fulfillment party that handles all internet orders for us and that does completely computer controlled.
As a result, the internet is completely separate from the store and vice versa. Also the stock is not always the same, however, because the wholesaler is located in Goirle, our stock is even bigger than with our fulfillment party.
Are you a freelancer or parquet / retailer and would you like to register to buy from us at wholesale prices? If you use the e-mail address above and mail us your data and KVK uitreksel then this will be processed and we will contact you, Address your message, Tisa Groothandel BV
Note, Always open normally during every holiday or during holidays !!

Here we are located,

And more precisely here,

The balloon must actually be slightly upwards because our entrance is just in the Einsteinstraat, So drive into that street and then the 2nd roller door on the right at the big signs with Tisa on it.